Okay here's the great irony of the show to begin..
A guy becomes a casualty of the scene and hates it... He takes a year's break from it.
What better way to remedy your need to remove yourself from a society than to create a show which focuses almost entirely on it!?
If Berry really thinks the concept in the scene are so invalid then why spend hours discussing its key members?! Why spend so much time disecting the same Papa and Tyler material if they are really such tools?
He's essentially making fun of people for having the same problems as him. Ie being socially awkard. The only difference between Barry and them is they are trying in their own demented way to improve themselves. Barry in his own mind is now a badass because he snagged himself a nice 6.5/7 on a good day with a Jew nose.
It's a pet peeve of mine when guys think they own the universe because they have a medicore gf who owns their balls...
Even the idea of douching on people with no limits because its entertaining is now invalid. Barry always waits for the person to leave his company to douche on them and there are many examples of retractions of douching even in the case of fader ffs!
What baffles me is why you would dedicate your life to something which is supposed to me so fucking lame in the first place?!
i think the answer is that berry is simply a dumb fuck. i mean, can u imagine the guy getting an education? lol, he wouldn't last one day in college man the guy is as thick as shit. look how he gots manipulated over his forums closing. the guy is mediocre through and through man not very clever at all.
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